Our objective is to provide Ugandan orphans and underprivileged children from 3 to 18 years old with a warm home and a good school education.
We strive to give the children as much practical knowledge as possible so that they can later take good care of themselves. An important starting point is that we want to raise the children to become young people who are proud of their own country and know how to (over)live here.
Within UP4S we distinguish three categories of children.
- Firstly, there are the children in homes. These are children for whom UP4S has usually completely taken care of. They are orphans or children from incomplete (poor) families. They receive (family replacement) housing, clothing, food and education. They are sponsored child-specific.
- Second, there are the children-from-far. They also live in their own families, but the walking distance to the school is too great to go back and forth to school daily. These children are taken care of in the dormitory. They go home only during the vacations. (NB This is very normal in Uganda.)
- And third, there are the village children. They live in their own families and receive education from UP4S. So they come and go to and from home daily.
Are there more type of children now?
For children-from-far and village children a school contribution is expected from the parents depending on their financial circumstances. This is because our vision is that parents/caregivers themselves should also pay (part of) the cost of education. Because this is usually not sufficient, these children are often sponsored on a child-specific basis.
More information about sponsorship can be found here.